Google Analytics 4’s New Tag Diagnostic Tool: Everything You Need to Know!

GA4 Consulting

Google Analytics 4's New Tag Diagnostic Tool: Everything You Need to Know!

GA4 Consulting

Google has recently launched a new Google Analytics 4 tag diagnostics tool that will help to ensure that your website or app is tagged correctly with the base Google Analytics 4 tag. It looks at any pages that may be missing tags, domains that may not be setup correctly in GA4, and missing conversion linking tags, among other things.

How to Use the Diagnostic Tool in Google Analytics 4

  1. Go to Admin > Data Streams > Select a Data Stream

    GA4 Data Stream

  2. Select Configure Tag Settings

    GA4 Configure Tag Settings

  3. Select View Issues

    GA4 Tag Issues

  4. Select an Issue Detected By the Diagnostic Tool

    GA4 Tag Diagnostic

  5. Issue Example 1: Pages Not Tagged

    Pages Not Tagged

    Check to see if all your webpages have a Google Tag.

  6. Issue Example 2: Additional domains detected for configuration

    GA4 Cross-Domain Configuration

    If you’re using the same GA4 property on multiple domains, make sure to include these domains in your GA4 cross-domain tracking settings to ensure accurate cross-domain tracking.

  7. Issue Example 3: Legacy Universal Analytics Tag Detected

    Legacy Universal Analytics Tag

    If your website still has a legacy Universal Analytics tag implemented, remove it because Universal Analytics no longer collects data.

If you have further questions about the new GA4 diagnostic tool or GA4 in general, please feel free to contact us and our GA4 consultant will be happy to help!